domingo, 31 de mayo de 2009
sábado, 16 de mayo de 2009

I will let you know that I studied Agronomy first, but when I realized that I wanted to work directly with people, I decided to quit, and start searching something that had to do with people; I really liked natural resources and nature, but my desire of having direct contact with people, was stronger.
Psychology is a career where I can study the human being as a whole (mind, body and spirit) and learn different factors that influence human’s actions. Those factors can be classified as social, economic, political and cultural.
Actually, society requires that individuals became successful, promoting certain lifestyles that don’t consider the real wishes and needs of human beings, so people have forgotten to have a healthy mind, body and spirit.
Psychologists contribute society by providing tools for helping people dealing with daily problems, psychologist also help people to integrate these three aspects in their lives.
But to achieve this and being a good professional, I need to develop different tools, as empathy with the pacient, acquirie clinical knowledge, know different psychotherapies and act ethically.
Psychology has several areas of specialization, and I am interested in the Gestalt Psychotherapy. The goal of this Psychotherapy is that people become aware of what they are doing, how they are doing it, and how they can change themselves, and at the same time, learning to accept and value themselves. This Psychotherapy is focused on what you are doing rather than what could have been or could have done.