Today is the last time that I'm going to write an entrance on this blog, and I will tell you how this blogging experience has been for me.
Well, I have really enjoyed this activity because I have learned a lot, practicing the language and increasing my vocabulary every week.
I also enjoyed telling you about my life, dreams and preferences. For example, when I wrote about my career, my future, my ideal job, my favourite subject, my favourite piece of technology or when I showed you a photograph with my friends and told you about a very interesting video by Ken Robinson. Really this experience was very entertaining and I hope that you have enjoyed it too. Moreover, I had the opportunity to meet my classmates when I read classmates's blog and so I knew their likes.And my blogging experience allowed me to have a dynamic and closer relationship with my teacher. Class to class she assessed me and she told me my grammar mistakes.
I think that this activity helped me to improve my English level in grammar and vocabulary, because I had the chance to write every week. I don’t know a lot of English and without this activity I would have less knowledge. I spent much time writing the blog because it is very difficult for me to write in English.
In my opinion my blogging experience only had positive aspects for my development, because it gave me tools and knowledge to continue learning English. So I hope I can continue with this blog in the next semester, because I have much to learn. I know that I must complement this knowledge with activities related to speaking and listening English.